In the start of the nineties, when I was a little boy, my parents took me with them out to Klarup to visit Tony and Merete Jørgensen, whom at that time had kennel Mertos.
It ended up with us getting our first german shepherd, a little male named Mertos Quero. At that time I was 5 years old, therefor my mom brought me with her when she was training in kreds 67 which were a club for german shepherds, where I saw my mom train or was taken with her and Quero out to the fields for tracking and even shows. My mom and Quero accomplised a 3rd place finish on the danish siegershau (HAS) in 1996 for young males, but also an IPO1 and BHP1 and the best protection work at HAS in Vallensbæk 1997. |
After Queros' death there went years before we decided to get a dog again. But in the spring 2009 we decided to get a dog again and ofcourse it had to be a german shepherd. One of the reason was that my father and mother both knew the race from when they were children but also because my siblings and I had experience with this breed from the time when Quero were still alive.
It still had to be decided who should be the new dog training companion on the trainingfield. But at first we had to find the dog, as spontaneous as we are in my family, we found the newspaper with the pets section, it ended up with us calling a kennel, which we then agreed to visit.
We went on a roadtrip to Silkeborg, which is a city in the middle of Denmark, where we had agreed to meet Marianne and Orla Petersen who had Kennel Elfi, who had our new to be family member. I still remember the day in spring with a seamless blue sky arching forward touching the horizon. Here we should meet Pelé for the first time, a 4 moths old male. We did as many do at the sight of a puppy like this, well we fell for this little creature, while he ran around on the field playing with his mother in the rays from the sun.
We bought Pelé and he became my new training buddy. Pelé and I have had a lot of great moments together, I have learned a lot from the many hours I have spend on the field training with this wonderful dog. He have in many ways been the perfect companion to start with, he have had his limits, but his drive to work and satisfy me have always been there. He have given me everything within his limits.
It still had to be decided who should be the new dog training companion on the trainingfield. But at first we had to find the dog, as spontaneous as we are in my family, we found the newspaper with the pets section, it ended up with us calling a kennel, which we then agreed to visit.
We went on a roadtrip to Silkeborg, which is a city in the middle of Denmark, where we had agreed to meet Marianne and Orla Petersen who had Kennel Elfi, who had our new to be family member. I still remember the day in spring with a seamless blue sky arching forward touching the horizon. Here we should meet Pelé for the first time, a 4 moths old male. We did as many do at the sight of a puppy like this, well we fell for this little creature, while he ran around on the field playing with his mother in the rays from the sun.
We bought Pelé and he became my new training buddy. Pelé and I have had a lot of great moments together, I have learned a lot from the many hours I have spend on the field training with this wonderful dog. He have in many ways been the perfect companion to start with, he have had his limits, but his drive to work and satisfy me have always been there. He have given me everything within his limits.
In 2010 another member joined the family a little bitch named Brix's Pippi, who was a wonderful dog in many ways. It was also the year I got my first education dog Mathaminde's Xanadue, whom I had to educate and do trials with, she was a kind dog to work with.
Two years after I had gotten Pippi I had to make a hard but nessesary decision that Pippi and I had to go seperate ways, she was as mentioned above a wonderful dog, but she lacked what I felt was necessary, but on the other hand I didn't want her to placed in an ordinary family where she just would be the ordinary family dog. Mostly because I had worked as much with her as I had, therefor she was sold to the blind society here in Denmark, where she works as a guide dog for a lawyer in Roskilde.
Two years after I had gotten Pippi I had to make a hard but nessesary decision that Pippi and I had to go seperate ways, she was as mentioned above a wonderful dog, but she lacked what I felt was necessary, but on the other hand I didn't want her to placed in an ordinary family where she just would be the ordinary family dog. Mostly because I had worked as much with her as I had, therefor she was sold to the blind society here in Denmark, where she works as a guide dog for a lawyer in Roskilde.
In 2012 was also the year I got my hopefully breeding bitch, Hesselballe Zelda. My biggest gratitude goes to kennel Hesselballe for giving me the chance to choose excatly the bitch I wanted from the litter. Zelda was the bitch I fell for, and she has given me much more than I could imagine. I became Danish champion in obedience for beginners in 2014, which is a competition in the German Shepherd Club in Denmark. This was a great experience. Zelda is a bitch with an enormous heart and an unbelievable eagerness to work, which also make the work with her really easy, that's also one of the reason I expect a lot of her in the years to come.
About me
My name is Bill and I am the owner of kennel Koga, I'm also a helper in kreds 67 Jammerbugt but also in the GSD Club here in Denmark. When it comes to everyday work I work with IT. I have always been active in sport, but I have had a lot of injuries, and some would say I am made out of glass, because I shatter easily. I took a decision and began to use must of my sparetime on my training with my dogs. I have been fortunate to work with people with a lot of knowledge in the IPO world, this has given me the willingness to work in both good and bad times. |
My interest to begin breeding began when I got my first bitch, Pippi, but the material also needs to be there and I also need to be able to look inward, we owe this beautiful breed this. Therefor I decided to take DKK's (Dansk Kennel Klub) education for breeders in 2015, which was a step on the road to become a breeder and in the end of 2016 my final decision was taken to make an application for my kennel name in FCI.